Julia was not classically trained either and she went on to change the culinary world with her passion & unique style!
Mom & Dad! Funny accents always welcome!
NO Explanation Needed! TEAM WONKA FO’ Life! I Cry every time he gives Charlie that damn factory! Ugh!!!
Mrs. Grimshaw- My 9th Grade High School History Teacher Who Always “Got Me” and my talk show dreams and seriously, I’m not easy to “Get” sometimes.
His Business Savvy Fascinates Me & He is such a Bossy BOSS!That Hair is simply RIDIC & adorable!
The Magic Of Walt Disney Inspires My Entire World, Making People Ridiculously Happy is My Mission Statement
Mama Oprah- I think we’re starting to even look alike & I when I get really excited I yell everything I say too!
Peace , Pure Love & Goodness
YEAH! Because some of us nerds end up growing into even awesomer Grown Up Nerds With Insanely Cool Jobs!